150 IN 1 NES Game List

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Which best NES games are included at 150 IN 1 NES Game List then ? You may check those games for details below.

This Gameboy Advance cartridge is pre-loaded with 150 best classic NES games inside, including Super Mario Bro., Zelda, Mega Man, Castlevania, Dragon Warrior and more.

What NES Games Are Inside

Total 150 classic NES games pre-loaded into this IC save Gameboy Advance cartridge.

1 Adventure Island
2 Adventure Island2
3 Adventure Island3
4 Adventure island4
5 Adventures of lolo
6 Adventures of Lolo 2
7 Adventures of Lolo 3
8 Astyanax
9 Batman
10 Battletoads
11 Battletoads Doubie Dragon
12 Bionic Commando
13 Blades of Steel
14 Blaster Master
15 Bomberman
16 Bomberman 2
17 Boyand His Blob
18 Bubble Bobble
19 Bubble Bobble 2
20 Castlevania
21 Castlevania 2
22 Castlevania 3
23 Chip’n Dale: Resue Ranger
24 Cobra Triangle
25 Contra
26 Contra Force
27 Crystalis
28 Devil World
29 Donkey kong
30 Donkey kongJr.
31 Doubie Dragon
32 Doubie Dragon 2
33 Doubie Dragon 3
34 Dr. Mario
35 Dragon Warrior
36 Dragon Warrior 2
37 Dragon Warrior 3
38 Dragon Warrior 4
39 DuckTales
40 Excitebike
41 Faxanadu
42 Fester’s Quest
43 Final Fantasy
44 Final Fantasy2
45 Final Fantasy3
46 Fire’n Ice
47 Galaga
48 Ganbare Goemon!
49 Gargoyles Quest 2
50 Ghostbusters
51 Ghosts’n Goblins
52 Goonies 2
53 Gradius
54 Guardian Legend
55 Gun Nac
56 Holy Diver
57 Ice Climber
58 Ice Hockey
59 Ikari Warriors
60 Jackal
61 Journey to Silius
62 Kickle Cubicle
63 Kid Icarus
64 Kid Icarhs-Radical Ninja
65 Kirby’s Adventure
66 Klax
67 Kung Fu
68 Legend of Zelda
69 Legend of Zelda 2
70 Legend of Zelda Outlands
71 Legendary Wings
72 Lemmings
73 Lifeforce
74 Little Nemo Dream Master
75 Little Samson
76 Lode Runner
77 Maniac Mansion
78 Marble Madness
79 Mario Bros
80 Mario Open Golf
81 Mega Man
82 Mega Man 2
83 Mega Man 3
84 Mega Man 4
85 Mega Man 5
86 Mega Man 6
87 Metal Gear
88 Metroid
89 Mickey Mousecapade
90 Micro Machines
91 Moon Crystal
92 Mother (Earthbound Zero)
93 Mr. Gimmick
94 Ms. Pac-Man
95 New Ghostbusters 2
96 Ninja Gaiden
97 Ninja Gaiden 2
98 Ninja Gaiden 3
99 Over Horizon
100  Pac-Man
101 Paperboy
102 Parasol Stars
103 Parodius
104 Pipe Dream
105 Power Blade
106 Prince of Persia
107 Qix
108 Rad Racer
109 RC Pro-Am
110 Ring King
111 River City Ransom
112 Rush’n Attack
113 Rygar
114 Section z
115 Shadowgate
116 Shatterhand
117 Skate or Die 2
118 Skate Rattlen Roll
119 Skate Revenge
120 Solomon’s Key
121 Solstice
122 Space invaders
123 StarForce
124 StarSoldier
125 Startropics
126 Startropics 2
127 Summer Carnival 92 R
128 Super C
129 Super Mario Bros
130 Super Mario Bros 2 j
131 Super Mario Bros 2u
132 Super Mario Bros 3
133 Sweet Home
134 Tecmo Super Bowl
135 Tetris
136 TMNT
137 TMNT2
138 TMNT3
139 To The Earth
140 Tmin Bee
141 Tmin Bee2
142 Tmin Bee3
143 Ufouria
144 Vice-Projrct Doom
145 Wario’s Woods
146 Willow
147 Wizards & Warriors
148 Xevious
149 Yoshi’s Cookie
150 Zanac

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